Glamping Posázaví

I. Basic Provisions

  1. This policy contains information about the scope and conditions of the processing of your personal data that we carry out in the course of or in connection with our business activities, in particular when selling goods and services, operating our website, communicating with you, etc.
  2. Your personal data is managed by us, as the service provider and lessor of the mobile unit. The contact person is Libor Šulák
  3. The operator of the website is Good Prague Tours s.r.o. (IČ: 02695936)
  4. Contact details:
    1. Telephone: +420 604 218 218
    2. E-mail:
    3. Address: Za Poříčskou bránou 365/21, Karlín, 186 00 Praha
  5. We process your personal data in order to:
    1. to negotiate contracts with you;
    2. enter into contracts with you;
    3. supply you with services or goods that you order from us;
    4. recognise your payment of the price of goods or services, transport costs or other charges;
    5. deal with any complaints you may have;
    6. operate and improve our website;
    7. deal with any queries or comments you may have about the services or goods we offer;
    8. deal with any complaints you may have;
    9. where applicable, enforce our rights under any contracts we enter into with you if you fail to perform your obligations to us under those contracts, for example by failing to pay the price of goods or services ordered;
    10. resolve any disputes, whether judicial or non-judicial, that may arise between you and us, whether arising out of contracts entered into, your use of our site or otherwise;
    11. to send you our commercial communications (newsletters), in particular about services or goods offered by us, new products in our range, discounts, interesting events and other interesting things related to the activities of our company (e.g. trade fairs, exhibitions);
    12. create statistics on our business activities, on traffic to our website, or on the use of our other services;
    13. to properly maintain our business administration and accounting records and to comply with our tax obligations;
    14. archive our documentation.
  6. For the above purposes we process:
    1. Your identification data, in particular your name, surname, academic degrees, date of birth, ID number, VAT number, residential address, registered office address (if you are an entrepreneurial natural person), position within the legal entity you represent;
    2. Your contact details, in particular the delivery or other contact address you provide, telephone number (landline, mobile), email address;
    3. Your payment details, in particular your bank account number, variable symbol, possibly also a specific symbol, a note from the sender or recipient, or other details you provide in the payment;
    4. details of your orders, in particular the goods or services you have ordered;
    5. network data that we collect when you access and use our website, in particular your IP address, the MAC address of the device through which you use the site, data about your access to the site, activity on the site, the length of your visit to the site, cookies, data about the location of the device through which you use the site;
  7. Osobní údaje zpracováváme v souladu se zásadou minimalizace údajů a jejich účelového omezení. To znamená, že Vaše osobní údaje zpracováváme jen k těm účelům, ke kterým je to nezbytné, a jen v rozsahu, který je nezbytný pro naplnění daného účelu. 
  8. Vaše osobní údaje zpracováváme na základě důvodů stanovených právními předpisy, zejména obecným nařízením o ochraně osobních údajů, tzv. GDPR (plným názvem Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2016/679 ze dne 27. dubna 2016 o ochraně fyzických osob v souvislosti se zpracováním osobních údajů a o volném pohybu těchto údajů a o zrušení směrnice 95/46/ES (obecné nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů), v účinném znění.
  9. Vaše osobní údaje v souladu s GDPR zpracováváme vždy na základě některého z právních důvodů stanovených v článku 6 GDPR. Těmito důvody jsou zejména:
    1. Your consent to the processing of your personal data;
    2. the necessity of the processing of your personal data for the performance of a contract you have concluded with us or for the implementation of measures taken before the conclusion of the contract;
    3. the existence of our legitimate interest in processing your personal data;
    4. the necessity of processing your personal data for the performance of our obligations.
  10. Our legitimate interests in processing your personal data are
    1. operating and developing our business;
    2. improving the quality of the products and services we provide;
    3. operating our website, providing and improving its functionality;
    4. promoting our business activities, in particular our services or goods, new products, discounts, interesting events and other interesting things related to our business;
    5. enforcing our legal claims;
    6. ensuring the security of our website, its users;
    7. protection of our property, protection of life, health and property of our employees, business partners, clients, as well as all persons who are on the premises of our company.
  11. The duration of the processing of personal data depends on the purpose and reason for processing the personal data. This period cannot usually be determined precisely, given the scope of the data processed and the variety of purposes. Therefore, the duration of the processing of your personal data is defined by the criteria set out below.
  12. If we process your personal data on the basis of your consent to the processing, we process your personal data for the duration of this consent.
  13. In other cases, we process your personal data for the period necessary to achieve the purpose for which we process it, including subsequent administration associated with the termination of processing and deletion of personal data.
  14. If one of the grounds on the basis of which we process your personal data for a particular purpose ceases, this does not automatically imply our obligation to stop processing it. As long as we have another reason for processing it (e.g. our legitimate interest in processing it ceases to exist, but the processing of your personal data is still necessary for us to perform a contract between us or our legal obligations), we may continue to process your personal data until all legal grounds for processing it cease to exist. However, if you withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data, we will no longer continue to process your personal data for the purpose for which the withdrawn consent was originally given.
  15. We primarily process the personal data that you yourself provide to us and we process it primarily for our own purposes. However, in certain cases, we may receive your personal data from or transfer it to third parties. These parties may include, but are not limited to:
    1. our accountants and tax advisors,
    2. our legal representation,
    3. our business partners;
    4. our IT department;
    5. data storage and cloud service providers;
    6. insurance companies, insurance agents and brokers;
    7. banks and payment service providers;
    8. persons who provide us with marketing and PR services;
    9. public authorities (in particular courts, authorities);
    10. law enforcement authorities (in particular police and prosecutors).
  16. We may also obtain your personal data from publicly accessible sources such as public registers (in particular the commercial register), the trade register, the insolvency register or the land register.
  17. In some cases, the provision of personal data is necessary for us to comply with our contractual or other obligations, to pursue our legitimate interests, etc. For example, in order for us to enter into a contract with you and provide you with services or goods, we need to know in particular your identification and contact details. Where possible, we try to inform you in advance (e.g. by means of an asterisk in the forms on the website) of the information that must be provided.

II. Rights related to the processing of personal data

  1. We will provide you with information about the processing of your personal data upon your written request about the scope and conditions of the processing of your personal data. In addition to this request, you may request a copy of your personal data that we process in the same way. We will respond to requests in the same way that you make them (i.e. either electronically or in paper form), unless you ask us to respond in a different way in your request.
  2. In the event that you discover an error in your personal data that we process, please send us a request to correct your personal data, stating what the error is and what the correct entry is.
  3. If you discover that your personal data we process is incomplete, please send us a request to complete your personal data, indicating how your personal data we process should be completed and for what purpose. However, please note that if the data you wish to supplement the personal data already processed is not necessary for the processing for the purpose you have requested, we are not obliged to supplement the data.
  4. If you find that we are processing your personal data to a greater extent than necessary, you can send us a written request to restrict the processing. In the request, please inform us of the reasons why you believe that we are processing more of your personal data than is necessary for the purpose. We will carefully evaluate your request and, if we find it justified, we will implement measures to limit the scope of processing. As we have already stated above, we only process your personal data for the purposes for which it is necessary and only to the extent necessary to fulfil that purpose.
  5. If you do not want us to retain your personal data any longer, you can send us a written request to erase your personal data. We will examine the request carefully and, if we find it justified, we will erase your personal data. The reasons for which you can request the erasure of your personal data can be found in Article 17 of the GDPR. However, in certain cases we may not comply with your otherwise reasonable request. Please also refer to Article 17 of the GDPR for the cases in question (e.g. if the processing is necessary for the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information).
  6. If you do not like the way we process your personal data because of our legitimate interest, you can object to such processing in writing. In response to your objection, we will assess whether our legitimate interest in such processing continues and whether it is overridden by the interest in protecting the rights and freedoms of natural persons. If we find that your objection is justified, we will cease the processing of your personal data to which you have objected.
  7. The supervisory authority in the field of personal data processing in the Czech Republic, to which complaints against the processing of personal data may be lodged, is the Office for Personal Data Protection, located at Pplk. Sochor 27, 170 00 Prague 7.

III. Consent to the processing of personal data

  1. We only require your consent to process your personal data in cases where we cannot process your personal data for the given purpose on the basis of any other legal grounds. We therefore only ask for your consent in exceptional cases, e.g. for the purpose of sending commercial communications, creation and operation.
  2. Giving consent is completely voluntary and you can withdraw your consent at any time. In particular, consent is not a condition for the provision of other services.
  3. If you wish to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data, please send an e-mail or a letter to the above contact details for this purpose. Consent given for the purpose of sending commercial communications may also be withdrawn by unsubscribing from the commercial communications via the link provided in the e-mail containing the commercial communication.
  4. If you have provided us with your e-mail address in connection with the sale of products offered by us or the provision of our services, we may, in accordance with the Act on Certain Information Society Services (Act No. 480/2004 Coll.), send you commercial communications to this e-mail address without your consent. In this case, we process your e-mail address on the basis of our legitimate interest. This is our interest in the promotion of our business activities, in particular the goods and services we offer, discounts and other events related to our company.
  5. You can object to this processing (see paragraph 2.6 for more details on the right to object). You also have the option in each e-mail containing commercial communications to unsubscribe from commercial communications by clicking on the relevant link. If we receive your objection to receiving commercial communications or if you unsubscribe from receiving them, we will no longer send you commercial communications to the e-mail address in question.

IV. Final Provisions

  1. This privacy policy is subject to change by us. You can always find the current version of the policy on our website at We will notify you of any changes to this policy by email.
  2. For purposes of communication, email is also accepted as a written form.
  3. The Policy as amended will apply from 1 June 2024.