Glamping Posázaví

General Terms and Conditions (Terms and Conditions) of Good Prague Tours s.r.o.

  1. Purpose and application of the Terms and Conditions
    1.1 These Terms and Conditions apply to all individual contractual relations between the Client as the accommodated (Client) and Good Prague Tours s.r.o., with registered office at Za Poříčskou bránou 365/21, Karlín, 186 00 Praha, ID No.: 02695936, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague,, (hereinafter referred to as GP) as the accommodation provider, the subject of which is the provision of accommodation in GP mobile units and the provision of services related to accommodation. Individual contracts are concluded in accordance with Article 2 of these Terms and Conditions.
    1.2 In the event of a conflict between the Terms and Conditions and the parties’ express agreement in the contract, the deviating contractual provisions shall prevail.
    1.3 The Terms and Conditions may be unilaterally amended or supplemented by GP, but the Client shall be bound by the version of the Terms and Conditions in force at the time of conclusion of the Contract.
  2. Contract between the Client and GP
    2.1 The Contract between GP and the Client (the Contract) is concluded by the Client filling in a form in the online booking system on the GP website ( – Booking System) and GP confirming the booking by sending an email to the Client’s address. Alternatively, the Contract may be further concluded outside of the online booking system, in writing or by email communication between the Client and GP by confirmation of the Client’s order by GP or confirmation of GP’s offer by the Client or by both parties signing a written contract.
    2.2 The contract shall specify in particular the specific time period for which GP provides the Client with a mobile unit for temporary accommodation, the location of the mobile unit (in particular by means of GPS coordinates), the price for such accommodation, the method of payment and its due date.
    2.3 GP shall keep a record of the Contracts concluded within the Reservation System and may make them available to the Client on request.
    2.4 The Contract shall be concluded in the Czech language.
    2.5 The minimum period of accommodation is 3 days (two nights).
    2.6 The maximum number of persons who can be accommodated in the mobile unit at the same time is 3 adults or an adult couple with 2 children.
    2.7 The Client undertakes to provide accurate and truthful information when booking accommodation and when providing any information for the purposes of the Contract. If the Client discovers that they have made a typographical error or entered inaccurate information in the details entered into the Booking System, the Client shall correct the erroneous information in the system during the booking process and/or contact GP immediately to rectify such errors. GP shall not be liable for any deficiencies in the service provided as a result of errors or failure to correct errors in the information provided by the Client in the booking process, in communication with GP or in the Contract in a timely manner.
  3. Price and reservation
    3.1 The price of the accommodation (and, if applicable, the price of other additional services) including VAT is indicated in the Booking System or in the price list of services on the GP website or is otherwise communicated to the Client before booking.
    3.2 A mobile unit reservation made by the Client in the Booking System is valid for 30 minutes from the date of booking. Within this period, the Client is obliged to make payment of the full price of the booked accommodation by cashless payment according to the instructions given in the Booking System (unless otherwise expressly agreed in the event that the Contract has been concluded otherwise than through the Booking System). If the Client fails to pay the price by the expiry of this period, the Contract shall terminate, GP and the Client shall no longer be bound by it, and GP shall be entitled to offer the relevant mobile unit for the date and location concerned again on its website and otherwise as available for accommodation to third parties.
    3.3 In the event that the customer pays the price for accommodation by means of a gift voucher and the value of this voucher exceeds the price of accommodation, the difference in price (overpayment) is irreversibly forfeited and will not be refunded or issued to the customer in the form of credit for further purchases or services.
  4. Cancellation policy
    4.1 The Client is entitled to unilaterally cancel the stay and the Contract for any reason or no reason, by written or electronic notice delivered to the email address or via the booking system on the GP website ( If such cancellation (delivery of the cancellation notice) occurs after the Client has paid the accommodation price, the billing is as follows: if the cancellation by the Client occurs within 30 days before the first day of the booking, GP will refund 100% of the amount paid to the Client. If cancellation by the Client occurs between 29-8 days before the first day of the booking, GP will refund 50% of the amount paid to the Client. If cancellation by the Client occurs between 7-0 days prior to the first day of booking, GP will refund 0% of the amount to the Client.
    4.2 GP shall be entitled to set off its claim for cancellation fee including VAT against the Client’s claim for a refund of the price paid for the (cancelled) accommodation.
    4.3 If the Client fails to arrive at the accommodation in accordance with the Contract or does not use the stay in full, the Client shall pay the full agreed accommodation price. In this case, GP is not obliged to provide the service on an alternative date.
  5. Rights and Obligations of the Parties
    5.1 The Client shall arrive at the place of accommodation according to the Contract at the agreed time. In case of difficulties in finding the accommodation, the Client shall have a representative of GP at his disposal, whom he can contact at the telephone number provided by GP before the booked accommodation date.
    5.2 The Client agrees to use the mobile unit and its surroundings in a manner that will not cause damage to them, in accordance with the rules of decency and respect for the environment surrounding the mobile unit, the mobile unit and its future Clients. The Client agrees to abide by the Rules of Use (Appendix 1), which form part of these Terms and Conditions or are available on the Mobile Unit in written form or otherwise made available to the Client for review.
    5.3 GP advises the Client that staying in and around the GP may involve a risk of accident, injury or other damage to health or property and further advises the Client that he/she and all persons staying with him/her in the Mobile Unit must use the Mobile Unit and move around the Mobile Unit with due care and caution to avoid such risks and damage. In particular, the Client undertakes to comply with the safety and technical rules for the use of the mobile unit, as set out in the User Manual, which are included in these Conditions (Annex 2 to these Conditions) or are available in the mobile unit in written form or otherwise made available to the Client for his/her review, in order to properly use the functionalities of the mobile unit and to prevent damage and risks to the life and health of the Client and all persons staying with him/her, the mobile unit and the environment. GP shall not be liable for any damage suffered by the Client (and all persons staying in the mobile unit together with the Client) as a result of the Client’s failure to comply with these safety and technical rules. The Client is responsible for his/her own safety and the safety of all guests staying with him/her during the period of accommodation.
    5.4 The Client is not entitled to make any modifications to the mobile unit or its surroundings, such as taping, screwing, drilling, etc. and is obliged to refrain from any manipulation of the mobile unit. If any situation arises that requires any intervention, the Client shall immediately contact a representative of GP by telephone to proceed in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
    5.5 The Client shall properly secure the Mobile Unit against theft in accordance with the Technical Manual at any time prior to its departure. The Client agrees that if he/she has valuables, electronics, cash or items of higher value, he/she will not leave them unguarded in the mobile unit. GP is not responsible for their loss or theft.
    5.6 The Client and persons sharing the mobile unit within the accommodation will refrain from smoking in the mobile unit.
    5.7 The Client agrees not to bring objects into the mobile unit that are reasonably likely to damage the mobile unit.
    5.8 The Client agrees to return the mobile unit clean and undamaged at the end of the accommodation.
    5.9 In the event of damage to the Mobile Unit as a result of an act or omission which is manifestly irresponsible or contrary to these Terms and Conditions, the Rules of Use or the Safety or Technical Rules or the Operator’s Manual, GP shall be entitled to claim full compensation from the Client for the damage so caused.
    5.10 In the event of damage to the Mobile Unit (accident, natural event, vandalism, etc.), the Client agrees to immediately contact a representative of GP at the telephone number provided to the Client pursuant to clause 5.1 above. In the event of vandalism, natural disaster, injury or other serious event that cannot be delayed, the Client undertakes to immediately call the fire service, medical service and the Police of the Czech Republic at the same time.
    5.11 If the Client duly and timely notifies GP’s representative of a defect in the mobile unit and if GP does not remedy the defect without undue delay so that the Client can use the mobile unit only with difficulty, the Client is entitled to a reasonable discount on the price of the accommodation. In no event shall the Client be entitled to carry out the repair himself and claim reimbursement of the reasonable costs incurred. If, however, the defect makes the use of the mobile unit substantially more difficult or completely impossible, the Client is entitled to a waiver of the accommodation price or may terminate the Contract without notice.
    5.12 If the mobile unit provides a hot tub Finnish bath, Slavic sauna or other similar equipment, the Client is obliged to thoroughly acquaint himself with the nature, course and content of the procedures, as well as their purpose and effect on his health and body and their possible health risks before using them. The client is only entitled to undergo wellness treatments if they do not pose a health risk to him/her, taking into account his/her health condition. GP shall not be liable for any damage to health caused as a result of the wellness treatments. The client expressly agrees that he/she undertakes the above activities solely at his/her own risk.
    5.13 The Client undertakes to treat his/her own health, the mobile unit and the surrounding landscape with care and due respect, not to burden or endanger them with inappropriate behaviour or excessive noise.
    5.14 GP shall be entitled to terminate the Contract without notice before the expiry of the agreed accommodation period if the Client, despite warning, grossly breaches its obligations under the Contract and these Conditions. In this case, the Client shall not be entitled to a refund of even a proportionate part of the price and shall be obliged to make up the price according to the Contract as well as to compensate for any damages incurred.
    5.15 GP shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the Client and persons staying with the Client as a result of the Client’s failure to comply with these Conditions or any other regulations or rules to which these Conditions refer. The Client also acknowledges and agrees that GP shall not be liable for any damage to property or personal injury suffered by the Client and any person staying with him/her in the Mobile Unit during any activities and movements in and around the Mobile Unit and the surrounding countryside. Such activity is at the sole risk of the Client and any person staying with them.
    5.16 The Client shall not be entitled to lease or rent the mobile unit to a third party or to accommodate persons in the mobile unit beyond those specified in the Contract.
    5.17 The Client undertakes that in case of his/her visit accompanied by a dog, he/she will notify the dog either in the order form or additionally by e-mail to . The Client hereby agrees that the dog will not sleep in the bed and if the GP cleaning service finds a breach of these conditions, GP reserves the right to charge the Client a fee of 2500Kč for extra cleaning of the bedding.
  6. Final provisions
    6.1 If these Conditions refer to any other regulations, rules, technical and safety rules, then such regulations shall form part of these Conditions and shall apply, as these Conditions do, to each individual Contract unless otherwise expressly stated in writing in the Contract.
    6.2 All disputes arising in connection with the negotiation and conclusion of the Contract, or with rights and obligations under the Contract, shall be settled under the laws of the Czech Republic, and the parties agree to the jurisdiction of the Czech courts and the local jurisdiction of the general court of GP or a court superior to it.
    6.3 The Czech Trade Inspection Authority, ID No. 00020869, with registered office at Štěpánská 576/15, 120 00 Prague 2, internet address:, shall have jurisdiction to settle disputes arising from contracts between GP and the Client, if the Client is a consumer.
    Annex No. 1: Rules for the use of GP
    Annex 2: Manual for the use of the GP
  7. These Terms and Conditions are valid and effective from 1st of June 2024.

Annex No. 1

  1. Access to the interior of the GP only after changing. Slippers, boots are available. As well as bathrobes and towels, which can be found in the drawers under the bed.
  2. Respect the surrounding nature, do not change it and do not leave anything in it.
  3. Please do not smoke in the GP. Cigarette butts should only be disposed of in the mixed waste. It is strictly forbidden to light fires in the GP outside the stove and fire pit. (candles, etc.)
  4. Please observe the night-time quiet. Not only for good relations with neighbours, but also for good relations with the surrounding wildlife.
  5. Do not build fires outside designated areas – stoves, bathing tubs, Slavic sauna. Handle stove fires with care; in dry seasons, do not build fires at all. Do not walk away from the fire.
  6. Please sort waste into paper, plastic, glass and mixed.
  7. Enjoy the books that are provided for you, but please do not take them away. If you like one of them, please exchange it piece for piece and help us rebuild our library.
  8. Don’t leave valuable items in the GP.
  9. The GP is built to make maximum use of renewable resources. Please use both water and electricity sparingly. Use only cosmetics and cleaning products that are available in the GP.
  10. There are 2 retro bikes available in the GP. In the village you have the Bečva cycle path, where you can reach Velké Karlovice and Vsetín.
  11. And the most important thing – relax!

Annex No. 2